The objects (vases and lamps) of the series Pila (Italian: pile) are an unconventional assemblage of different plates from the Rosenthal Studio Line. In everyday life, plate piles are created unintentionally and for pragmatic reasons: piled for washing up in the sink or stashed in the cupboard. The design Pila demonstrates that the clash of forms, stories and time can develop a completely new aesthetic dimension: the objects allow for various designs of different designers of the Rosenthal Studio-Line to enter into a dialogue. In direct encounter they pronounce the potential of this grown collection. The individual plates become part of the whole - a new form. The perception of the singular plates changes in the overall context. Each object is unique. Each time a different selection of plates is piled in a new combination. In this way, the most different characters are created: stringent compositions, lush towers or even figurative forms. They display the range of Rosenthal’s porcelain designs: from a simple service to a gushing decor and an unconventional relief. As part of the lamps, the plates gain a new function: They are not only carrier of meaning and history: they also act as uncommon reflectors of the illuminant. The decors of the implemented plates modulate and tint the light of these light objects in soft copper and gold nuances.